Monday, August 31, 2009

New school year, new goals...

So, it's the first teaching day of the 2009-2010 school year in the HRSB. In planning for my students and looking at end goals and how to help them arrive there successfully and meaningfully, I realize there are some destinations that I have personally that I am significantly less prepared to reach with success and meaning.

So I've put together a basic list of goals for myself for this year, most having to do with establishing quality habits that will yield results with time and consistency. Here goes:

Diet Habits
  1. No food after 6 pm
  2. Portion control – 1 plate per meal, 1 portion protein, carbs, veg
  3. Vitamins daily
  4. Water!
  5. 1 treat a week (junk food, etc)
Exercise Habits (by end of September)
  1. Run 3x a week (mornings!)
  2. Work out 3x a week (evenings)
  3. Bed by 11 pm
Mind Habits:
  1. No TV on weeknights (except Thurs, Survivor, The Office)
  2. Read scripture daily
  3. Memorize one scripture a month
  4. Small group material
  5. Read a book every two weeks
  6. Blog once a week
School habits
  1. Marking major assignments on two week turnaround to students
  2. Tech team, SFC, one school team
  3. Time at work is time to work- no surfing, rec, games at lunch, before/after school
  4. Schedule one night a week to get out and work at a "neutral" location (during weeks with no board meeting for church)
I'm going to dig into "why" for each of these goals moving forward and update on my progress. Any comments to serve as encouragement, friendly reminders/nudges, butt-kicking, would be appreciated.
