Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Basking in goodness...
One of the things I love about this shift is how our songs have really moved away from a theme of what we receive from God to songs about who God is, about his nature and how he is always faithful and good to us in all things. I usually lead once every four weeks in rotation with other leaders, and I find myself increasingly lost in God's confounding goodness in worship. I am so overcome that often all I can do is play my guitar because I am unable to sing or I am a sobbing mess and couldn't blubber a chorus to save the world.
I wanted to share some of the songs I keep coming back to in worship that keep that sense of overwhelming goodness fresh in my heart with you, so without further ado:
His Banner Over Me Is Love, by Kevin Prosch (with a nod to Capstone's rendition on Jesus Lifted High)
Your Love, by Eoghan Heaslip
Faithful, by Eoghan Heaslip
O Taste and See, by Brian and Jenn Johnson
How Can I Keep From Singing, by Chris Tomlin
You Are There (Psalm 139), by Joel Engle
Friend of God, by Lakewood Church
Worthy, by Matt Redman
Sometimes I wonder if people are tired of singing these songs as often as we do, but I inevitably can't escape that these songs are voices to what's gushing out of my heart towards God, and that I am better off worshipping through songs that reflect what's really in my heart than pumping out tunes that sound good but aren't coming from a genuine place in my spirit...
Wondering what songs you are worshipping to that are stroking the gotta-sing-about-how-good-God-is bone... Drop me a note and let me know- I'd love to hear what's moving you to move God's heart.
Rock on y'all- rock on....
Gripping stuff...
the other night on PBS and was incredibly moved.
It chronicles one man's efforts to uncover his African roots (as well has his efforts to help several prominent black people's roots simultaneously), delving through geneaological resources, documents in archives across the US and using some cutting edge DNA techniques to ascertain the genetic breakdown of his ancestry.
It was amazing to see people's reactions to the discovery of various things: the shared ancestry with both white and black slaveholders, the shared ancestry with really amazing individuals who made a difference in their time, and the discovery of shared genetic history with real peoples in Africa and other places in the world.
Perhaps the most moving part of the story was seeing Chris Tucker's journey to Africa to visit the villages of a people he shares a definitive portion of his genetic code with. You could see how overwhelmed he was to be amongst people who were his family, despite never knowing them. The discovery of this bond immediately impacted him and changed his life, having an anchor in a place where once there were only questions.
It got me thinking about how amazing God is, and how transforming his love is. Not everyone has the resources to pursue the kind of self-discovery that the host of the show or Chris Tucker did, but God provides us with a center in our identity that's unshakeable. He gives us identity and worth from the moment we are conceived, and never loses sight of who we are. He cares for us down to the most minute details, and gives us a future and a hope.
The thing I love the most about this aspect of God is that I don't have to go all the way across the world to find it- he is reaching, straining with every fibre of his being across the breach of eternity to me in every moment to make himself real and flood my life with goodness, love and mercy. It's why self-definition happens most profoundly when in the midst and context of learning what God believes, says and loves about us- your whole life is changed.
Thanks God- you do all things well....
Friday, October 27, 2006
Go me... It's my birthday....
I turned 31 today, and while I am not one of those people for whom milestone birthdays (30th, 40th, 50th, etc) inspire fits of despair and loathing of life, I will admit that birthdays and the times leading up to them have offered greater reason for reflection as of late.
If you read this blog, you know that I am taking the John Paul II Media Institute course on media production. At class the other night I realized that I am the only person in the group who has a child. It was kind of interesting, because part of what I was talking about really doesn't make full sense unless you have kids.
I love the perspective that comes with getting older. I'm no old fart by any stretch (and I do not intend to ever fall into that category), but I do see that time and life lived really helps crystallize things to a state that you can appreciate them and decide what you are going to hang onto in life and what you let go of.
The last 5-7 years have been really amazing for me because God has really done a work in my life to break me out of my self-imposed pressure to either grow up or get over things. I was always in such a rush to get through things that were difficult or needed me to take a look at myself and then invest in the process of growth; I saw areas I needed to grow in as indicators of weakness, poor character or laziness, and I dealt with them ruthlessly and mercilessly, like I was rubbing out hostile rebel forces in my life.
Over that time, I have learned to not have to drive myself at impractical and unhelpful pacing. I have learned that there's healing in walking in your brokeness before God and letting people into your life to help you where you are weak. I have learned that God's goodness is at work in my life whether I am hurting or hooray-ing, and to center myself in that goodness at all times regardless of what's going on in life.
I enjoy life more than I used to. I strive less, and I am at rest about who God made me to be and what he's doing in my life to help me become everything he intended. I don't have points to make or axes to grind- I just want to live honestly and give God my best in everything, and I am learning to love giving my best in something I really am poor at as much as I love giving my best in the things that I am fantastic in.
As a Dad, I love Jonah more than I ever did, and I enjoy him every bit as much now as I ever did when he was just born- I don't pine for other times or stages of development, because I love him for who he is, and no matter how old he gets, he'll always be who he is, and I'll love and value him just as much then as now.
God is helping me to have that kind of grace for myself- to love me for who I am, and for where I am in God's plan and purpose for my life, and to believe the best about me and hope and trust for an amazing life.
I used to hate my birthday- it reminded me of all the things that were wrong with me. I secretly called it the worst day of the year because I saw all the things that I hadn't changed or grown past, and how far and how hard I could work and never realize the kind of change in my life that I was really longing for.
Now birthdays are days of appreciation- for the goodness and faithfulness of God throughout the year just finishing- and they are days of anticipation- for greater grace, growth and fulfillment of promise for another year.
Can't tell you how amazing it feels to write this- to look back and see how God has changed my heart and helped me grow more tender and beautiful instead of hard and angry. It's pretty overwhelming, and I'm fairly bursting with hope for what God can do in my heart this year.
Thanks for celebrating with me. I'll try and post some dinner pics from my party tomorrow so you can savor the amazing grub from afar. Let me know if you're ever in Halifax so you can come by and commiserate- TTFN. :)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Redemptoris Missio nos. 37-38
In particular, sections of the reading that spoke to me included:
Today the image of mission ad gentes is perhaps changing: efforts should be concentrated on the big cities, where new customs and styles of living arise together with new forms of culture and communication, which then influence the wider population. It is true that the "option for the neediest" means that we should not overlook the most abandoned and isolated human groups, but it is also true that individual or small groups cannot be evangelized if we neglect the centers where a new humanity, so to speak, is emerging, and where new models of development are taking shape. The future of the younger nations is being shaped in the cities.Speaking of the future, we cannot forget the young, who in many countries comprise more than half the population. How do we bring the message of Christ to non-Christian young people who represent the future of entire continents? Clearly, the ordinary means of pastoral work are not sufficient: what are needed are associations, institutions, special centers and groups, and cultural and social initiatives for young people. This is a field where modern ecclesial movements have ample room for involvement.
Among the great changes taking place in the contemporary world, migration has produced a new phenomenon: non-Christians are becoming very numerous in traditionally Christian countries, creating fresh opportunities for contacts and cultural exchanges, and calling the Church to hospitality, dialogue, assistance and, in a word, fraternity...
As in the reading from week 2, John Paul's identification of the need for the church to achieve both fluency and fraternity in the culture and language of the emerging generations is another reminder that old wineskins and old wine cannot quench the thirst of the world- that requires Christ's new wine, and we must allow ourselves to be transformed and become new wineskins.
This requires us to meet the world where it is, like Christ did, and not be afraid to be in the world, and demonstrate a genuine compassion for the lost that is primarily expressed by consistent presence in the everyday lives of people, immersed in the way that they are while shining, living a hope and way that draws people to Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
After preaching in a number of places, St. Paul arrived in Athens, where he went to the Areopagus and proclaimed the Gospel in language appropriate to and understandable in those surroundings (cf. Acts 17:22-31)...There is a deeper reality involved here: since the very evangelization of modern culture depends to a great extent on the influence of the media, it is not enough to use the media simply to spread the Christian message and the Church's authentic teaching. It is also necessary to integrate that message into the "new culture" created by modern communications. This is a complex issue, since the "new culture" originates not just from whatever content is eventually expressed, but from the very fact that there exist new ways of communicating, with new languages, new techniques and a new psychology. Pope Paul VI said that "the split between the Gospel and culture is undoubtedly the tragedy of our time,"62 and the field of communications fully confirms this judgment.
This further confirms our mission as disciples that we not only have a call to evangelize individuals (which we do!), but we are also called to redeem cultures for the sake of the gospel. To simply use a culture as a conduit to pipeline a message demonstrates a contempt for that culture, and those who live within it. If we love the people, we will also learn to love their culture, and allow Christ to walk with us, reach into an entire people and create transformation on a social level. This reminds me of how Hudson Taylor approached his missions work, loving and living his way into Chinese communities.
Our times are both momentous and fascinating.
I love that John Paul II refuses to see our times as anything other than an incredible opportunity unlike any yet seen in history, as a frontier to be pioneered, explored and connected to the gospel like the missions to the new world in the times of Cartier and Columbus. I think it's critical that we approach our call with this kind of zeal and perspective; instead of living under a crushing weight of impossibility and defeatism, we stride boldly into the unknown, trusting God to lead us and empower us with a message and a medium that can and will redeem our time and culture. He did it with the early church under Roman rule without mass media- how much more can we achieve with equal zeal and a host of strategies and tools that have never before existed?
Thanks for the reading- looking forward to discussing this tomorrow.
updating last week's homework
(O Dan, where art the notes for thine lesson, within which are contained learnings and knowledge I long to recall and review for the betterment of mine application of the principles thou has expounded unto us? Missio Basiatio Adulatio Magister, Paulus Wozney I, 2006)
Without further ado or butchering of latin, here it is for your consideration:
Monday, October 23, 2006
little things make a big difference
I'm building this thing out of plywood, so I am spending some good time in my Dad's garage using his tools. Jonah loves being in the workshop, and he tries to help with whatever I am doing.
One thing I have made up my mind about as a dad is that I want Jonah to know not just how special he is to me, but also that I need him as much as he needs me. Because of that, I always try to make space in whatever I am doing for Jonah to be involved.
If we're baking cookies, I let him turn on the kitchenaid and dump in the dry ingredients and unwrap the blocks of margarine (and sneak tastes of the batter...don't tell mom though...). When we're in the workshop, I let him help me mark pencil lines for measurements, sand wood with a sanding block, or let him paint wood scraps with the same paint I am using for our Thomas project.
It might not be teaching him rocket science, but what Jonah is learning is that we will do things together, and that we will help each other. It's a little thing, but I already see Jonah jumping into action without being asked to help when we start something new, and it's because he believes that he's capable and that he's needed. He's not even three yet, and he already is proactive about helping and working together.
If you are a parent, or anyone who works with kids or youth, make time in your life for little things like this. They pay huge dividends down the road, and it's amazing to see kids blossom with some personal investment and encouragement. They never turn out perfect, but lessons learned well when you're little or young end up lessons lived well when you're old.
I will post a picture of our Thomas mock-up next week in time for Halloween. He's looking more like a train every day!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
going low...
These friends are wonderful people who truly love God and have a heart to win people and disciple them, and I would never presume to have an accurate read on the motivation of their hearts for starting a new church. So my answer ended up being a question: are they called to serve in the church, or to separate themselves from the existing church and start something completely new?
One of my heartaches for the church is how so few people see the call to ministry simply as a call to serve willingly in a church where they can be a blessing to a shepherd and establish themselves as a pillar of that church without seeking honour or acclaim for themselves, and how so many need for that call to result in a full-time ministry position (often of prominence and recognition) in order to follow it faithfully and passionately.
This is not to say that I resent or don't respect those who serve in paid ministry positions- the only job I've ever known my Dad to have is as a pastor of a local congregation. What really bothers me is that so many automatically assume a call to ministry decrees that they should become a pastor (or more specifically, paid clergy).
This kind of thinking demonstrates a real lack of understanding about "pastoring." Pastoring is a spiritual gift and a five-fold office established by the Holy Spirit; it is not a job title or an position of employment that validates a passion or confirms someone's gifting. Graham Cooke did some amazing teaching on this that has stayed with me ever since, and the longer I live in community with other believers, the more accurate his teaching is.
What's more problematic for me is that the church tends to validate and perpetuate this understanding of serving and leading within the church. I get invitations to attend amazing conferences all the time, yet I can count the number of times the main speaker (or even a second tier keynote speaker) has been anything other than paid clergy (and typically paid clergy from churches that are huge and famous) on one hand.
I am not closed in the least to sitting under the ministry of people like this- I have learned some life changing things this way.
I simply cringe at the divorce between the message often spoken about the need to walk in humility and selflessness, to let your giftings speak for themselves instead of seeking self-promotion, to prefer others above yourself and love with Christ's love that seeks to see those you minister to exceed you and accomplish far greater things than you ever did and the silently conveyed message that far too often seems to trump the one just described: that the people really worth listening or opening your heart to are those who are famous or popular or leading large churches or reaching huge audiences.
What this unspoken message serves to do is perpetuate the myth that the people speaking at these events are somehow more gifted or capable of greater impact than you or I. People see this dynamic, coupled with the revolving door cycle that pastoring has become in the evangelical church, and see that "ministry" is for really amazing people, not for the everyday person.
I remember as a teen wrestling with the very clear call I felt to ministry and the passion I had to become a teacher, feeling as if these things were mutually exclusive and that I would have to pick one or the other. So many youth pastors and leaders in my area that I approached for counsel laid it on thick that if I really loved God and felt a call that the only God-honouring course should be bible college immediately after school.
Thank God my Dad had the good sense to make sure that I got real counsel. He was so sensitive to what I felt in my heart, and never did anything to pressure me one way or the other. In fact, I will always remember how he challenged me to listen to God for myself and follow what I felt God saying. The icing has been that my Dad, to this day, has not only verbalized his support, but has consistently put his money(as in hard earned paycheck), house, car, time and help where his mouth was.
Now, after 5 years of secular education at Dalhousie and McGill universities and nearly 8 years of work experience with three different secular school boards, I have never been more sure of or secure in the call I felt all those years ago or my pursuit of a career as a teacher. Not only do I shine every day in a workplace where there are few believers and have an opportunity to serve and be a blessing to people that have never seen or heard of Jesus, but I also serve in leadership at my church and minister in many facets- sunday school teacher and organizer, lead worshipper and helper to other leaders in worship, board member, webmaster and tech leader, and sometime speaker and teacher when my Dad is away or visiting his second congregation.
I have more opportunity to minister where I am than many pastors do in "ministry" positions with specific (and sometimes restrictive) portfolios, and I'm more in love with the church than I have ever been. It's a crime that we herd people to theological schools with such gusto (often to find few or no opportunities to work as a pastor) and do so little to affirm them in following their God-given dreams in the career of their heart and help them discover their giftings and ministry strengths in the context of relationship and commitment to a local church, pastor and congregation.
SO (after such a gargantuan entry), one of my hopes in pursuing "ministry" through my life's work and involvement with my local church is to demonstrate that every life is a platform to minister from, and that we rob ourselves of untold heart-wealth by ignoring the riches nearest ourselves in each other in favour of hearing the latest DVD series from Pastor Amazing from the Incredible Intergalactic Church (ok, so I'm being sarcastic here...).
Along with that, my prayer is that we will see the heart of Christians shift from propping up the cult of pastor-hero-celebrities that is such a huge part of the 20-80 problem (20% of the people in the church do 80% of the work, with a startling chunk of that 20% on the payroll...) to esteeming one another and giving place and honour to the people in our midst and tapping the Jesus in each other.
Whew... I feel better. Thanks for listening. Y'all come again, y'hear? Loads of love...
Friday, October 20, 2006
feel the music...
I want to live like there's no tomorrow
I want to dance like no one's around
I want to sing like nobody's listening
Before I lay my body down
I want to give like I have plenty
I want to love like I'm not afraid
I want to be the man I was meant to be
I want to be the way I was made
Made in Your likeness, made with Your hands
Made to discover who You are and who I am
All I've forgotten help me to find
All that You've promised let it be in my life
~Chris Tomlin, The Way I Was Made, from the album Arriving
In the words of Phil Hartman, playing an acting coach in a SNL sketch, live that way....live that way...
I'm filthy rich....
After a full day at school, I had an evening professional development session to attend until 6pm and then a curriculum night back at school from 6:30-7:30pm. It was a long day, and I was glad to get home at about 8:10 pm.
I opened the door and got tackled (almost jacked up) by my son, who just about blew out his vocal chords screaming "DADDY! YOU'RE HOME!". He nearly hugged my left knee into a condition requiring surgery, and then I got to hug and kiss my otherworldly wife and savour the aroma of her hair and skin while she told me I was missed and loved.
I don't want for a thing Lord. You're good to me beyond any measure of reason, and all I can do is say how grateful I am and celebrate your kindness, generosity and faithfulness to me. My life is the jackpot, and I know all of it comes straight from your heart to me.
(***Longlasting dumbfounding inner silence and an overwhelming realization of how amazing God has commenced. Stand by.)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Well put...
St. Francis of Assisi
Me too Chris....
The bridge in Chris Tomlin's opening track How Can I Keep From Singing Your Praise? on his new album See The Morning.
I can sing in the troubled times
Sing when I win
I can sing when I lose my step
And I fall down again
I can sing 'cause You pick me up
Sing 'cause You're there
I can sing 'cause You hear me, Lord
When I call to You in prayer
I can sing with my last breath
Sing for I know
That I'll sing with the angels
And the saints around the throne
Amen to that.
Homework: A Picture of Passion
I picked this photo as an example of passion for a few reasons:
- because the donkey is TOTALLY into the treats he's nibbling
- Jonah is electric at the experience of being around farm animals and feeling the big, fuzzy lips against his hand
- I can't think of many things better in life than sharing incredible moments with my family. I'm loopy about my son, and I might be more excited about the whole experience than he was. Seeing him smile and laugh and enjoy life is surreal- everything "serious" disappears when that happens.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Be careful about what you think is cool....
One class took every opportunity to be as rude and defiant as possible. I asked the group if they were for real- that what I was seeing was an accurate picture of who they were and what they thought was important. One kid jeered that she wasn't doing anything she didn't normally do or that wasn't something she was absolutely proud of. A bunch of her classmates ate it up and cheered her on as she wasted hers and everyone else's time. I thanked her for her input and ended the conversation.
Meanwhile, there were about a half dozen students making every effort to do what their teacher had left for them to do in an unbelievably noisy and distracting environment, paying little heed to the silliness surrounding them.
I thought about it after school and was amazed at the difference in the two groups. One group not only thought school was important for them, but they showed that it was by the way they acted and worked regardless of who was in the room and responsible for the class.
The other group showed they thought that peer approval and getting their own way was important, and they were prepared to do whatever it took to achieve what they valued.
Just showed me again how critical it is to watch what you think and dwell on in your mind, what you give air time to in your own thoughts and imagination. If you fill the space with foolishness, then you end up spending your life foolishly and having little to show for it. If you fill it with wisdom, truth or character, you end up paying the price and seeing things develop in your life that bear long lasting and beneficial dividends.
It got me thinking about what I fill my mindspace with regularly, and how that translates into how I am spending my time. I might not think about how to make people look silly, but that doesn't mean everything I am dwelling on is worthwhile or true or beautiful.
Maybe it's because I'm 30, or because I have a son now, or just because I've lived enough to understand, but I see now that time is either spent on things that will last and have value or on things that are ultimately without worth or a waste- there is no middle ground. It either matters in the long run, or it doesn't.
Help me, Jesus, to spend my life investing instead of spending, to give my thoughts to things that pay back benefits for life instead of things that cost me time, life and effort. Help me to be fruitful in all things, regardless of whether it's an easy time to be fruitful or not. I want my life to matter like yours did.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Right? Feels right...
One of the things that is coming to the center of our shared faith is that as much as we have an individual walk with Christ, it's linked intrisically to the walk of faith we share as a local church community. We have had some revelatory moments about how true that is in the past couple years, both good and bad, and it struck me again this week how critical it is for us to allow God to build in us the kind of love and commitment for one another that he has for us.
One of the reasons we haven't seen the kind of growth and progress we expected is that we really had a much lower level of care and commitment to one another than we cared to admit. We are now seeing that changing that lower level involves growing through things that people have been reluctant to work through in the past, including resolving conflict, repenting and asking forgiveness, restoring broken relationships and seeking understanding with one another to eliminate places for division to creep in.
This past week I needed to make contact with three people in our congregation, two I needed to apologize to and one I needed to go and resolve an offense with.
While I realize that the devil is never thrilled with people making relationships work, I continue to be amazed at how we let outselves get pscyhed out by seeking resolution, either by overblowing things or simply poo-pooing (can you say that in a blog?) them as unimportant. Hey, I get that working things out holds about the same amount of sex appeal as taking out the trash or scrubbing the toilet, but the benefits of taking care of relationships is a lot like enjoying a clean home or bathroom- the longer you leave things, the more you hate being there, the less likely you are to clean it and the more costly (and distressing) it gets to clean it when it gets to a point where you just can't take it anymore. Clean bathrooms are a treat, and it's easy to relax and live in a clean house- right relationships are like that too.
So I made the three calls I needed to make, and instead of having three headaches I ended up having three really positive and beneficial conversations that left me with three improved relationships.
When you approach resolution from a heart like Christ, it has nothing to do with how correct you or the other person are. It has everything to do with how right your relationship is, and, all of a sudden, who's correct becomes immaterial; what needs to be done to make sure that right relationship continues to flourish takes center stage and God gives you grace to put your best foot forward regardless of what anyone else is doing.
You'll take it on the chin, demonstrating forbearance and love for someone, and they see your true motivation and are willing to find a place of commonality in Christ and work things out. What I love most is that instead of having an ugly bruise that reminds you of a sore spot, your wear a mark that reminds you that love conquers all and provides you with hope and courage to nurture that relationship again and again.
Wounds from a friend are better than many kisses from an enemy. Proverbs 27:6
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Life never gets easier...
Getting a term contract was a HUGE answer to prayer, so my relief in finding full-time work was enormous.
All of that said, I found myself at work today feeling rather lost and of little consequence, and it hit me again that life never gets easier or more simple.
Lori, Jonah and I (as well as a myriad of family and friends) prayed for so long to have this opportunity, and now that we have come to the place where we enjoy its fulfillment, I see again that a prayer answered or a goal achieved doesn't lead to total satisfaction.
Not that I assumed this, but simply getting the job wasn't the end of 5 years of really deep, personal testing and struggle. It just marked the end of one struggle and the beginning of a new one.
I'm learning that the real gold in life comes from gleaning every ounce of learning and wisdom you can out of the trials and problems you go through. I can't recall the last time I didn't have some trial facing me in life. Thank God he's helping me to enjoy his process in my life as I grow through them instead of dreading life and the challenges it brings every day.
"But he knows where I am and what I've done. He can cross-examine me all
he wants, and I'll pass the test with honors." Job 23:10
I've learned from my last 5 years to celebrate how good God is when life isn't. Figuring out how to do this new job and carve out a niche where I can make a difference and be a joy in peoples' lives won't be agony- I intend to savour it and enjoy as many moments as God gives me grace for.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Blog Pals....
I will do that, AND MORE... lol
Some good friends pastor in Ottawa, Ontario at a great church called the Life Centre (www.lifecentre.org). They are making the sharing of the teaching that happens at their church with others via the web a regular priority, and they have some excellent resources available for people.
There are a couple that I would like to share with you.
The church I attend, Alive Christian Church (www.alivechristianchurch.ca) is currently nearing the end of year 1 of a nearly 3 year long process designed to help us rekindle the passion for disciplemaking and shift the focus and efforts of our church to align with the great command and commission that Christ left for his church.
One of the things I am particularly challenged by and am thoroughly enjoying is examining our beliefs and attitudes about what a disciple is against the backdrop of scripture. Barry Boucher, team leader at the Life Centre, recently spoke about the process of making disciples, providing clarity about what's involved and demystifying it. I highly recommend you check it out. The video is 37MB- enjoy!
One of the other things that is emerging from this process for me is the need for believers to throw off the modern concept of individualized faith and recognize that the faith we have is not just about connecting vertically with God through experience and prayer, but it is equally about the journey of walking with Christ that we share with others who are following Christ. The richness and fibre of our faith is enhanced by commitment, interdependence and relationship with others. This podcast about community hilights some of these elements...
Since we're linking, Jason and Lori Boucher, who are the current associate pastors at the Life Centre, have recently begun individual blogs in an effort to communicate with their people and provide insight and wisdom about what it means to follow Christ and live in community with others. You can find Jason's blog here ( http://jasonboucher.typepad.com/jasonboucher/), and Lori's blog here (http://www.confessionsofapastorswife.blogspot.com/). They are two of my favourite people, and I can't express the amount of esteem I hold them in as leaders in the church. I hope you enjoy the resources I have mentioned above, and visit J and Lori's blogs often. They are refreshing and real people with a dedicated love for Christ.
Thanks! Check in with you again soon.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The first trickle....
The goal of the institute?
The immediate goal of the institute is to train and equip young people who have
an interest in and skills for digital media creation... Those who complete
the institute would make themselves available to the local church for the
creation of media that would advance the Kingdom of God.
I have a history of involvement with media and technology of various types, and am participating in this course as a result of the realization that the church has as much to do with the state of the media as the media does. Namely, the church has walled itself off from the media, deeming it secular and treating it like the plague.
Consequently, the church has no real meaningful presence in the world of the media, and sees only periodic forays into media territory (see Mel Gibson's the Passion of the Christ).
The English philosopher Edmund Burke once said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” This is one of my favourite quotations, and it spurs me to be proactive about my faith, representing Christ credibly in my work and life, and to engage in affecting change in areas in which I see injustice, inequity or imbalance.
I believe media, or the means of communication, is amoral, or that it has no intrinsic roots in good or evil. It merely exists, and can be leverage by anyone, regardless of their motive. I am weary of hearing Christians bemoan the absence of media that celebrates truth, goodness and beauty, yet are unwilling to make any moves to influence the world of media.
In participating in this course, I am hoping to become conversant in the language and thinking of media and competent with its essential tools and structures, so that I have a shared platform with those who work in and with media to share my faith in meaningful relationship and dialogue.
I'm tired of having to lob intellectual and theological hand grenades over dividing walls at people who I can't really see for who they are (and vice versa). I'm not afraid of questions, or of being around people who don't share my faith or passions. How can questions be answered or people become familiar with the real face of faith, believers who are daily following Christ, if we aren't front and center in their lives in authentic relationships and speaking in ways that are accessible and meaningful to them?
Romans 10:14 But how can they call on him to save them unless
they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never
heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?
This is a small first step on a journey to increased personal relevance in sharing my faith with people and making Jesus known through people seeing him at work in my life, work and creativity.
Watch out world of media. We're coming, and we're ready to hug you....